References Kiwa Dare


What others say about our products

We work as hard as we can on developing better EMC measurement instruments and software. Our references are really important to us. In this section well respected companies in the industry speak out on our products and service. Please find an ever expanding list of references below.

Smit Mobile Equipment B.V.

Mobile and reliable

Smit Mobile Equipment is a leading, worldwide supplier that delivers advanced mobile solutions and services to the medical sector. Smit Mobile Equipment currently has a company and factory in The Netherlands, a service in the U.K., and a sales- and service organization in Dubai.

Smit Mobile Equipment is part of Oshkosh Corporation, with facility's and subsidiary's in over 19 countries.

The always growing assortment includes mobile and move-able solutions for MRI, CT, PET / CT, Women's Health-care, Primary health-care, medical support at disasters, traumatology, VIP-treatment and military medicine.

The renowned and distinctive products of Smit Mobile Equipment are being developed and build to an unsurpassed level. Besides that, the products are being certified in addition to standards prescribed by the most important OEM's(original equipment manufactures) of diagnostic equipment.

Smit delivers unsurpassed development, craftsmanship, quality and specifications characteristic for a Dutch company. More than ever the limits are being stretched for what Smit can do regarding customer needs. Smit is one of the very few companies that can take on the challenge, of finding the ultimate solution.

On site measurements for Smit Mobile Equipment

The measurements of the effectiveness of the shielding (damping- or shielding-measurement) are being executed in shielded area's in which the equipment is in, a so called 'Cage of Faraday. This room is being used to keep the electromagnetic fields outside, or in this case, inside the room.

Besides rooms like Smit builds this one for MRI-scan applications, such cages are also being used for measure rooms, computer rooms and other medical rooms.

A room is shielded from EM-fields dependent on the difference between the field in- and outside of the room. This ratio is displayed over a specific frequency band or at frequency points.

How is damping measured?

First of all, a reference measurement will be executed. This will measure the reference between de sending and receiving side outside of the shielded room.

After that, the receiving antenna including measurement equipment will be placed inside the shielded room and the sending antenna will stay outside of the room. The damping measurement will be repeated with conserving distance between the antennas where now an extra cage wall will be placed between the antennas. When all measurements are carried out, then on the base of calculations, the damping will be reported.

Click here for more information about Smit Mobile Equipment.

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